A bath utilizing a de-odorizing shampoo and our premium de-skunking mask. Disclaimer: A de-skunking treatment will minimize the scent but will not completely and immediately remove it due to the oils left by the skunk, these oils will diminish over time.
Our specialized process utilizes professional-grade combs, tools, and shampoos to efficiently remove loose undercoat, ensuring your pet's coat remains healthy and well-maintained.
We use specialized tools to gently remove knots, matting, or tangles, ensuring your pet's comfort and preventing any unnecessary discomfort or pain.
A thorough flea and tick bath using a formulated shampoo to remove ticks, fleas, and irritation.
Ear cleaning
Teeth Brushing
Paw Pads
Paw Balm
External Anal Gland Expansion
Under Eye Trim
Nail Trim
Nail Polish
When dealing with animals, challenges such as: behavior, excessive matting , old or special case animals can arise. These challenges cause a prolonged time in the grooming process. In these cases, a extra fee is added to the final price of the haircut. A list of these cases are presented to the right
Heavy Matting Fee
Late Pick Up Fee
Agression Fee
Less than 24 Cancellation Notice Fee
Special Pet Handling Fee
All pets, deserve to be happy, healthy, and treated with compassion.
A bath utilizing a de-odorizing shampoo and our premium de-skunking mask. Disclaimer: A de-skunking treatment will minimize the scent but will not completely and immediately remove it due to the oils left by the skunk, these oils will diminish over time.
Our specialized process utilizes professional-grade combs, tools, and shampoos to efficiently remove loose undercoat, ensuring your pet's coat remains healthy and well-maintained.
We use specialized tools to gently remove knots, matting, or tangles, ensuring your pet's comfort and preventing any unnecessary discomfort or pain.
A thorough flea and tick bath using a formulated shampoo to remove ticks, fleas, and irritation.
Ear cleaning
Teeth Brushing
Paw Pads
Paw Balm
External Anal Gland Expansion
Under Eye Trim
Nail Trim
Nail Polish
When dealing with animals, challenges such as: behavior, excessive matting , old or special case animals can arise. These challenges cause a prolonged time in the grooming process. In these cases, a extra fee is added to the final price of the haircut. A list of these cases are presented to the right
Heavy Matting Fee
Late Pick Up Fee
Agression Fee
Less than 24 Cancellation Notice Fee
Special Pet Handling Fee
All pets, deserve to be happy, healthy, and treated with compassion.